Download safety bolt
Download safety bolt

download safety bolt

  • According to EN Table 3.4 the bearing resistance F b,Rd of the bolt is not affected by the spacing p 1, p 2 and edge distances e 1, e 2 provided that the following limits are observed: e 1 ≥ 3.0 d 0, e 2 ≥ 1.5 d 0, p 1 ≥ 3.75 d 0, p 2 ≥ 3.0 d 0.
  • The minimum values are: e 1 ≥ 1.2 d 0, e 2 ≥ 1.2 d 0, p 1 ≥ 2.2 d 0, p 2 ≥ 2.4 d 0, where d 0 is the diameter of the hole, e 1, p 1 are measured parallel to the load transfer direction and e 2, p 2 are measured perpendicular to the load transfer direction.

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  • Minimum and maximum spacing p 1, p 2 and edge distances e 1, e 2 for bolts are given in EN Table 3.3.
  • According to EN § 3.6.1(4) the design shear resistance F v,Rd should only be used where the bolts are used in holes with nominal clearances not exceeding those for normal holes as specified in EN 1090-2 'Requirements for the execution of steel structures'.
  • Only bolt assemblies of classes 8.8 and 10.9 may be used as preloaded bolts.
  • For preloaded bolted connections which are slip-resistant at the Serviceability Limit State or the Ultimate Limit State the corresponding shear load F v,Ed should not exceed the design slip resistance as specified in EN §3.9 and Table 3.2.
  • For this case elastic linear distribution of internal forces should be used as specified in EN §3.12. Otherwise the design resistance of a group of fasteners should be taken as the number of fasteners multiplied by the smallest design resistance of any of the individual fasteners as specified in EN § 3.7(1).
  • The design resistance of a group of fasteners may be taken as the sum of the design bearing resistances F b,Rd of the individual fasteners provided that the shear resistance F v,Rd of each individual fastener is greater than or equal to the design bearing resistance F b,Rd.
  • Minimum edge distance e 4 ( e 4 = 1.5 d 0) Minimum edge distance e 3 ( e 3 = 1.5 d 0) Minimum center-to-center spacing perpendicular to load direction p 2 ( p 2 = 2.4 d 0) Minimum center-to-center spacing along load direction p 1 ( p 1 = 2.2 d 0) Minimum edge distance perpendicular to load direction e 2 ( e 2 = 1.2 d 0) Minimum end distance along load direction e 1 ( e 1 = 1.2 d 0) Minimum end distance, edge distance, and spacing for bolt fasteners according to EN Table 3.3 (rounded up to nearest mm) Punching resistance per mm of plate thickness under bolt or nut B p,Rd / t p

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    Shear resistance per shear plane F v,Rd īearing resistance per mm of connected plate thickness F v,Rd / t (for e 1≥3 d 0, e 2≥1.5 d 0, p 1≥3.75 d 0, p 2≥3 d 0) Design properties for metric hex bolts (Typical coarse pitch thread)

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